
如果你需要紧急援助, 请拨打911联系当地警方,或拨打(207)283-0176联系UNE保安.

Violent or criminal conduct should be immediately reported to UNE Security: (207) 283-0176.


We understand that there are times when a student’s learning experience may hit a rough spot. 这可能是个人问题, 情感, 心理, 学术, 涉及药物滥用, 或者其他挑战. 我们希望每个学生都能在正规澳门赌场网络茁壮成长,并在他们的追求中取得成功. Your concern may be just one part of a negative experience a student is having and can alert us to intervene.

For emergencies or crimes in progress, call 911 or UNE Security at (207) 283-0176.

UNE社区的任何成员, 包括学生, 教师, 专业人员, 管理员, 或者父母/家人可以分享一个担忧. 匿名意见将被接受. 你可以当面、通过电话或提交报告来表达你的担忧.



  • 学生事务处:(207)602-2372
  • 研究生和专业学生事务:(207)221-4212
  • 住房和居住/通勤生活:(207)602-2272
  • 第九条合规官:(207)221-4554


To report 性侵犯,约会暴力,或者跟踪 for investigative purposes contact the 安全与安保办公室 at (207) 602-2298 (non-emergencies only).


Concerns are reviewed by UNE 专业人员 appropriate to the type of concern. Professional 工作人员 may then reach out to 学生 to investigate and offer assistance as necessary. Our goal is to help the student(s) overcome the issues at hand while maintaining a healthy and safe environment on campus. Immediate measures may be taken when a student is found to be making a threat of harm to themselves or others.

如果你已经决定把你的名字和信息写进去, you may be contacted for more information or to clarify what you included in the report. 因为很多情况都很敏感, 你可能不会听到你提交的报告的结果. 这是标准的,并保护学生的隐私. 信息只在需要知道的基础上共享.

UNE’s CARE Team is committed to promoting campus safety through a proactive and collaborative approach to assisting 学生 who may be at risk. The team assesses and intervenes in situations that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community.  由整个大学的专业人员组成, the CARE Team coordinates information and develops support plans for 学生 of concern. The CARE Team’s objective is to synchronize a network of resources focused on prevention and early intervention involving 学生 experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors.

The primary purpose of sharing a concern is to help prevent any issues present from getting worse, 尤其是当某人被认为对自己或他人构成危险时. 学生 who reach out for assistance will typically not be subject to conduct action unless behaviors demonstrate the need. Behaviors that could arise in charges against someone include but are not limited to (a) unlawful distribution of alcohol or drugs; (b) 性ual assault; (c) 性ual 骚扰; (d) causing or threatening physical harm; (e) causing dam年龄 to property; and (f) hazing. 不管情况如何, 当你关心某人的幸福时,你应该寻求帮助.



The term “bias-related” refers to langu年龄 and/or behaviors which demonstrate bias against persons because of, 但不限于, 他人的实际或感知:种族, 性, 性取向, 性别认同与表达, 种族或民族出身, 宗教, 年龄, 信条, color, 遗传信息, 身体或精神残疾, 艾滋病毒状况, 或者退伍军人的身份.* Bias will be deemed an aggravating circumstance to any violation of the Policy and Conduct Code, 不管它的类别如何. 因此, 与偏见有关的违规行为可能导致更严重的行动, 并包括, 与大学永久分离.

例如,污损海报或标志, 恐吓性评论或信息, 破坏个人或大学财产, 或者类似的行为, if there is evidence that the target or victim was chosen because of a characteristic listed above. 请注意, 然而, that just because the expression of an idea or point of view may be offensive or inflammatory to some, 这并不一定是与偏见有关的事件. The University values freedom of expression and the open exchange of ideas and the expression of controversial ideas and differing views is a vital part of the University discourse. 虽然这种开放的价值观保护了有争议的想法, it does not protect 骚扰 or expressions of bias or hate aimed at individuals which violate the Policy and Conduct Code.

Protected classes are defined by the University’s non-discrimination and anti-骚扰 policy.


The 偏见事件应变小组 is responsible for acting as UNE’s “first response” team when dealing with reported bias incidents. 另外, 与适当的管理人员密切合作, 学生, 教师, 委员会, organizations and offices BIRT plays an educational role in fostering inclusive campus climates and supporting targets individuals when bias and hate incidents occur. The team has broad membership in order to support and affirm the University’s educational mission and core value of 全球 Community and Diversity.


也被称为“校园文化”,当前的态度, 教员的行为和标准, 工作人员, 管理员, 以及学生对个人需求的尊重程度, 能力, 和潜在的.


知情同意, 自由和积极地给予, mutually understandable words or actions which indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed upon 性ual activity. 如果它是由使用武力产生的,就不存在同意, 威胁, 恐吓, 强迫, 或者给予同意的人是无行为能力的. 同意,一旦自由和积极地给予,可以随时撤回. 决不可通过使用武力获得同意, 强迫, 和恐吓 or if the victim is mentally or physically disabled or incapacitated, 包括通过吸毒或酗酒.


仇恨犯罪是不容忍和偏见的暴力, 意图伤害和恐吓的, 对某人犯下罪行, property or society that is motivated by an offender’s bias against a specific characteristic of an individual or a group because of their race, 种族, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或性别表达, 年龄或身体或精神残疾.

仇恨犯罪是包括人身攻击等行为的刑事犯罪, 跟踪, 网络跟踪, 犯罪的威胁, 恐吓, 恐吓, 犯罪使用炸药, 纵火, 破坏公物或其他损害财产的行为, 鲁莽的行为, 骚扰, 言语虐待或侮辱, 或者恐吓信.



This is a broad term that includes any unwelcome behavior of a 性ual nature committed without consent or by force, 强迫, 和恐吓.


性骚扰不受欢迎, 以性别为基础的言语或身体行为,足够严重, 不合理地干扰的持久的或普遍的, denies or limits someone’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s educational program and/or activities and is based on power and the creation of a hostile environment.





(207) 221-4554

(207) 602-2461

(207) 602-2462